6 responses to “Canadian Pacific Railway hotels in B.C.: Part 1”

  1. Ross Lambertson

    Hello – Excellent points and photos about the three CPR hotels. Are you aware that two Scottish “spinsters” were early managers of all three, either together or individually? I am writing a biography of them, and would be happy to share information with you. (Of course, there were other early managers, at least one of whom was also female, but it gets a bit complicated.)

    All three hotels served meals to passengers passing through, and also hosted overnight guests, some of whom wrote and published their impressions.

    1. Lisa Wilson Palmour

      Thank you for your comment and for checking out our post about the CPR Hotels. Sounds like you are engaged in some fascinating research! We just might be in touch to learn more about these early managers. All the best, Digitization Team at UBC

  2. clyde marston

    I have a turn of the century wood framed photo with CPR initials on the wood frame from a cpr hotel about 36 w and 28 high. the frame is dark oak and cpr hand carved. the photo is harvest with 4 times three teams and a chuckwagon. I am wondering what to do with it as I am old and what its general vale is

    1. Marina de Souza

      Hi Clyde!
      Thank you for checking our blog post about Canadian Pacific Railway hotels!
      The at item sounds very interesting! We don’t track values for items but you can determine the fair market value by finding similar items on auction websites such as eBay. It is a good place to start but comparing values on other sites is helpful. Also, there might be some museums out there that you could reach out to that might be interested in acquiring them to their collection, if you are okay donating it. Good luck and I hope this was helpful!

      Digitization Centre Team

  3. Patrick Mitchell

    I would like to reprint some of these photos for personal display. What sort of copyright issues do I have to deal with?

    1. Lisa Wilson Palmour

      Hello and thank you for your question. You are able to download and reprint for personal or commercial use. If you require a larger sized file, you would have to order one through Rare Books and Special Collections, with a fee attached. I hope this information is helpful. You can read more here: https://rbsc.library.ubc.ca/guidelines-for-reproducing-and-sharing-rbsc-materials/

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