One of our most dazzling collections is the One Hundred Poets. Originating from the personal collection of Professor Joshua Mostow of the UBC Department of Asian Studies with material largely from the Edo-period (1615-1868), and currently the buzz around it is heating up.
While our metadata is pretty comprehensive – check out the information on this piece in English and Japanese!
It will not give all the background you might get from, say talking to the collection owner! That’s why you should check out Professor Mostow’s talk “Japanese Early Modern Literary Literacy and Material Culture” at the Museum of Anthropology tomorrow night (1/28/2016) from 4-5 pm. The talk will discuss in depth the digitized books (hanpon 版本), single-sheet woodblock sheets (hanga 版画) and card sets (karuta) to the public. This is an amazing chance to learn more about collection in person in depth, straight from the source.
Don’t miss out go learn about the most important collection of Japanese poetry in the literary canon!
If collection development is more your thing check out this great article written by our own Saeko Suzuki written in Japanese on the 100 Poets collection : Digitization of Japanese Pre-modern Materials. It covers extensive collections from both the UBC Open Collections and the University of Washington