3 responses to “Memories of the First World War”

  1. Jean Donald

    Congratulations on your new web exhibit – looks great. Could I ask you however, to change “World War One” to “First World War” which is the correct terminology in Canada and Great Britain? World War One is American.

  2. Paul Barlow

    The soldier with bike on the left is my great grandfather I would love a hi red file so I could get a good print of it

    1. kristina mcguirk

      Hi Paul,
      What a find! This image is available through our Open Collections. The direct link is https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/wwiphoto/items/1.0034497. In the grey image viewing field, at the top left, there is a tool bar. The right button with the down arrow is the download link for the photo, which is a hi-res image. If it doesn’t download right away, you can try clicking it a second time, sometimes it doesn’t download right away. Let us know if that doesn’t work.
      Graduate Academic Assistant

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