Perhaps you’re the type to want a sugary afternoon pick-me-up. Maybe you look forward to a sweet end after a long, tiring day. Perchance the ides of winter has you craving comfort foods. Or, you just might subscribe to the let-them-eat-cake lifestyle.
Whatever the case, it’s not quite the end of January, and if you’re one of the 65% of Canadians looking to use the new year as a fresh start to a healthier lifestyle, you probably aren’t ready to give in to your sweet tooth. We’re with you—which is how we found ourselves trolling the digital collections for cookies one afternoon (a virtual cheat day). There is a lot to take in, but with the benefit of avoiding both cavities and broken resolutions.
UBC Publications and UBC Archives Photograph Collection desserts are feats of science and architecture!

We didn’t believe it, either, but this photo is definitely about pie: the caption draws your attention to a lemon meringue at the bottom left corner.

We know a few folks might find this cake pretty RAD (sorry for the pun, archives grads). This library cake was centre stage at the School of Library, Archival, and Information Studies 25th anniversary party.
The Chung Collection lets your tastes travel the world while offering some light reading while on the culinary trek.

Canadian Pacific travelers to Chateau Frontenac were offered a stellar array of desserts, from pudding, pie, cake and ice cream to fruits, nuts, and cheeses.

A cautionary tale about having dogs or hurrying… we’re not sure which. But definitely not a cautionary tale about pies!
UBC Archives Photograph Collection also plays host to some fine forms for confectionary treats.

There’s a certain allure to this birthday cake, and we’re guessing Joe was all about that bass. (OK, seriously, puns are done.)
Finally, incase we’ve enticed you into baking, the BC Historical Newspapers are a gold mine for recipes and sweet treats.

A “cheap and good” cookie recipe and cinnamon cake? Excellent. But you better be comfortable with guessing cooking times, Millicent, because Cynthia isn’t going to do it all for you.

Cottage Pie, Stuffed Dates, and Raisin Pie: If you love these vintage dishes, you can check later issues of the Cumberland Islander to see if the sought-after steam fig pudding, salmon salad, oatmeal cookies, or sour milk doughnut recipes make it to print.