36 responses to “BC Historical Newspapers Update”

  1. Heritage Vancouver Society

    This is such an amazing project and resource, and many thanks to your generous donor!

    In addition to this resource enabling us to locate missing building permits and key data for Vancouver’s building heritage in 1912, we’ve been using the Daily Building Record from 1912 to 1920 to locate *thousands* of missing detailed descriptions in the historic building permits, which we’re now going through and adding into our online publicly available database.

    The Daily Building Record/BC Record is the only publication and source which luckily captured this info on a daily basis, as this info no longer exists within the City, or within any other form.

  2. Ole Juul

    I’ll be most excited to see the old Coalmont Courier digitized. I’ve looked at them, but the Princeton Museum doesn’t have a way to digitize them and it would be nice to read them properly. I live in Coalmont and have been publishing the New Coalmont Courier for a few years. And yes, its focus is as local as it was in 1912.

  3. anita

    I’m very interested in knowing when you might be digitizing the The Prospector from Lillooet up to 1917, or the Lillooet, 1911

  4. Cathy K

    This is excellent news. Thank to all involved!

  5. Paula O

    Any current updates as to when the Lillooet Prospector will be available?

  6. Greg

    Glad to see more digitized information.. Can you please tell me which area the “quartz creek miner” originated from? Possibly the creek in cassiar? Or maybe revelstoke?

    Thanks for the great info

  7. Cathy

    Thank you so much for all your hard work. The ability to find a piece of family history and finally put the pieces together is a feeling like no other. I can’t wait for the New Westminster and Surrey papers to be added. Thank you again.

  8. glen belbeck

    Excellent collection. Used a universal search to help fill in the timeline for the McVittie brothers of East Kootenay. Wishing the Cranbrook newspapers (Herald and Prospector) were also available, as there would be lots of additional references.

    Glen Belbeck – Calgary

    1. Bronwen Sprout

      Thanks Glen! The Cranbrook Herald and Prospector will be coming online towards the middle of next year – stay tuned.

  9. Dan

    This is an amazing project. I’m a Cumberland resident and am particularly eager to browse in its papers from 1910-1931! But I’ll use several of the different publications as I move into the teaching of BC and Vancouver Island history. Thanks UBC, and to your donor/s as well.

  10. Alan Pickard

    Can you tell me when the Hazelton newspapers will be available? I read them on a microfilm reader some years ago but need to do more research. Thank you, Alan

  11. Emily Chicorli

    Hi Alan,

    Thank you for your interest in the BC Historical Newspapers project. We anticipate that the Hazelton newspapers will probably be available late May/early June 2015.

  12. Gloria Currie

    Hi Mike, the Quartz Creek Miner was a newspaper we put together as part of Ymir’s centennial in 1998. It contained historical information pulled from many difference sources. I haven’t heard of a paper by that name being published in Ymir’s heyday but I’m really looking forward to being able to read the Herald, the Ymir Mirror and the Miner once they are digitized.

  13. Greg Nesteroff

    Hi Gloria,

    The Quartz Creek Miner published from at least March to September 1897 before being renamed the Ymir Miner. Hardly any copies survive. The BC Legislative Library has the edition of 2 Sept 1897 (v. 1, n. 24) while Touchstones Nelson has a hard copy of the special illustrated edition of 28 Oct 1897. The latter is an amazing document if you haven’t seen it, full of photos that don’t appear anywhere else.

  14. Sarah

    Hello there.. Do you know when the Sandon Paystreak will become available online?
    Thanks for all the great work!

    1. alexandra kuskowski

      Hi Sarah,

      Thank you for your interest in the BC Historical Newspapers project. We anticipate that the Sandon Paystreak newspapers will probably be available by the end of 2015.

  15. Alan Pickard

    Hello again. Thank you for working hard to get these newspapers on line. Can you tell me why the Smithers, Interior News (which began its life in Aldermere) is not on the list?

    1. alexandra kuskowski

      Hi Alan,

      For BC Historical Newspapers Project we collected all of the available newspapers in the UBC Rare Books and Special Collections archives. If the newspaper you are looking for is not on the list, it may be because it wasn’t available or weren’t part of the archives at that time. Thanks for your interest!

  16. Margaret-Anne Baxter

    Any idea when the Omenica Herald and Omenica Miner might be on line? – I thought end of May-June but apparently not! Thanks for all the work you’ve done so far – appreciated!

  17. Bill Howard

    I look fwd to the digital Ymir Miner & Lowery’s Claim (Nelson) & the 4 Rossland papers; I see Rossland is not yet represented. Great work!
    Is it poss. to have the Rossland Weekly Miner online too??

    1. snoleprd


      Thank you for your comment. We enjoy putting up these wonderful resources. The “Rossland Weekly Miner” is not that we have access to through the BC Archives so that will not be part of the collection.

  18. Bonnie Sitter

    This is a strange request. I live in Ontario and my father L.V.Hogarth joined the 161st Battalion here in Huron County. After arriving in England he was assigned to the 47th New Westminster group and fought in France and Belgium. He sent home a letter with a cartoon drawn on it. He appears to be signed by Bill Boardman. My father described him as a cartoonist for a BC newspaper and a Division Lightweight Boxing Champion. He and my father were both scouts and my dad ended up a sargent sniper.
    I would love to share this historical letter with Mr Boardman’s family. We feel it is very special. I am hoping maybe someone would take on this project. We are celebrating 100 years since the 161st left Huron County in October 1916 to serve their country.
    A play is being developed, and we will have a dinner, parade, church service, concert and a speaker series.
    We shall remember them.
    Bonnie Hogarth Sitter Exeter Ontario 519 235 1909 bonnie.sitter@gmail.com

  19. Mike Cleven

    interesting to note the Greater Vancouver Chinook on here, George Matheson Murray’s first startup and where he first hired his future wife Margaret Lally (aka “Ma Murray”) as his assistant. Apparently he wrote some glowing prose regularly; I’m looking forward to seeing it. They had another publication she started at that time…. was it Country Life? (same or similar name as a British horsey rag)…about homecooking and running a country home…..

  20. Peter Vander Sar

    The fact that papers such as the Enderby one are available on line is -well – awesome -and in image and editable format, too
    However, I find it awkward to try to put up both at the same time, and to get to the next issue of the paper (do i really ahve to go back to the year calendar) to navigate in a page (unusual overlay locations, including this feedback one – can’t see a ‘send” button) Is it me or am i missing a “how to use” page?
    Thank you
    Enderby & district Museum and Archives volunteer
    PS I am using this method to contact you as I could not use the “comment” within the newspaper area – see above

  21. Marilyn

    Any idea of when the Surrey Times (Cloverdale) 1895 will be available for viewing??

    Very eager to see it 🙂

    Maybe it already is and I am just not finding it?


    1. alyssa hamer

      Hi Marilyn,

      We have digitized 29 issues of the Surrey Times spanning from April to October 1895.
      Happy Reading!

      -Digital Projects Student Librarian

  22. Gary Whipple

    Thank you for putting this info up. I’m trying to find out why my great great grandfather (Joseph Whipple) died in 1911 March 3. His son (my great grandfather) who I knew as a boy. It’s very hard to find information on any of this. He might of died in a construction accident, because he was a carpenter from maine US (1899). thank for your efforts, and god bless.

  23. David Gordon

    Arthur Moss Foster from Selby, Yorkshire, committed suicide in a hotel in Nelson in April 1897. I am interested to know whether this publication can lead me to more information about him and the wherabouts of his grave.

    1. Paula Arasaki

      Hi David,

      We performed searches on our collection, and we found one item that mentions Mr. Arthur Moss Foster’s death. The article mention that Mr. Foster committed suicide on the Hotel Allen, in Rossland, BC. It was published on April 24, 1897 on The Miner newspaper. Unfortunately, there is no mention of his grave.

      – Digital Projects Student Librarian

  24. Jon Bartlett

    You probably know this, but just in case –

    The Selkirk College Library at Castlegar has a huge collection of papers (70+) mostly from the West Kootenays. They may well have copies of papers UBC Rare Books don’t have.

    Jon Bartlett

    1. Paula Arasaki

      Hi Jon,

      Thank you for sharing!

      – Digital Projects Student Librarian

  25. Maureen

    Rossland Weekly Miner – I’ve noticed that digitized versions of this paper are online at Canadiana by CKRN. They only have 1896-1904. Are you able to add any more content?

    1. stuart hill

      Hi Maureen,
      Unfortunately there are no upcoming or proposed projects for that particular paper at the moment.This link tells you a bit more about how we acquire content: https://digitize.library.ubc.ca/work/

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