Room 103
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z1
Gender and social justice researchers worldwide –as well as the general public interested in the feminist movement in Canada– will be happy to know of this digital collection that is now freely available online: Kinesis: News about women that is not in the dailies, published by the Vancouver Status of Women (VSW) from 1974 to […]
Beyond our personal reservations regarding evangelism and the missionary enterprise, Emma Crosby Letters collection is exceptionally interesting because it lets us see two very different perspectives on how women lived in the 19th century and on their personal struggles. On one side, we can see how the gender limitations of the time made it impossible […]
Dorothy Burnett was the first independent artisan bookbinder to set up shop in Vancouver. Her friendship with Anne Yandle, previously head of Special Collections at UBC, compelled Burnett to choose our library to house a rich collection of 224 of her most treasured artifacts used in her bookbinding career. As an example of the Dorothy Burnett […]
As a co-op student working at UBC Library Digital Initiatives Unit I get to see incredibly interesting materials that I would never see otherwise. Have I ever thought, for example, of reading anything by Daniel M. Gordon? No, never, not before digitizing his book Mountain and Prairie, A Journey from Victoria to Winnipeg, Via Place […]
Metro Vancouver (previously the Great Vancouver Regional District), the regional political and corporate body representing 24 Lower Mainland authorities, has granted permission to the UBC Library to digitized a series of planing department land use maps. There are four series: 1965, 1971, 1980 covering the Lower Mainland and 1983 for the City of Vancouver only. […]
The UBC Library Rare Books & Special Collections division has as one of its many unique and fascinating collections the photographic material of the Fisherman Publishing Society. The Society published the bi-weekly newspaper The Fisherman for two important fishing unions: the Salmon Purse Seiners Union and the Pacific Coast Fishermen’s Union. As you can see […]
They both play croquet, apparently! Digital Initiatives is currently digitizing selected images from the Arkley Croquet Collection, which is housed in UBC Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections. The Arkley Croquet Collection contains more than 2,000 images taken from a variety of media and dates from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twenty-first century. As […]
The annual reports of the Okanagan Historical Society are now available as a digital collection. There are 69 issues in the collection, dating back to 1926 and continuing until 2007. The issues are fully searchable online and available for download as PDF documents. The Okanagan Historical Society has always been active in promoting the history […]
The Bullock Webster collection has been updated with new high-quality images. The original material, an album filled with watercolour and ink sketches, is very delicate. As such, the digital collection up until now was composed of scans we made of the old access photographs. Although we tried to make these scans represent the original sketches […]
For Aboriginal (Un)History Month, we are featuring our digital collection of the Delgamuukw trial transcripts, which document a landmark case in British Columbian and Canadian history. The Delgamuukw case began in 1984 with the Gitxan and Wet’suwet’en Nations claiming ownership and jurisdiction over 58,000 square kilometres […]