Room 103
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z1
Way back in January UBC Library scored a rare book coup, acquiring two exceptional examples of early gay literature that share a connection with famed Victorian writer Oscar Wilde. Teleny and its prequel, Des Grieux, were first published in the 1890s. It’s long been suspected, but never confirmed, that Wilde may have authored or contributed […]
We are pleased to announce the newest exhibition NANITCH: Early Photographs of British Columbia from the Langmann Collection. Here at Digital Initiatives the Langmann Collection is one of our most popular collections, one that we love to share! The exhibition is a collaboration between the UBC Library and the Presentation House – and a chance for […]
One of the most intriguing parts of Open Collections is the API search function. API, Application Programming Interface, is a set of defined tools that people use to communicate with a software system. Basically this translates to asking a data program questions in computerese* – and getting back defined answers on that data that a […]
We’ve got another new (but actually really really old) addition to our digital collection. We’re excited to share that we have digitized a rare Latin Bible from the 13th century! You can check it out in out Western Manuscripts collection where many of our oldest books live. This Bible is an amazing addition to our […]
Digitization of BC Sessional Papers, from 1933-1952, is on its way. Phase 3 of Sessional Papers has been approved and digitization will start this summer! This phase will look at 41 bound volumes from the British Columbia Sessional Papers. It will increase our current collection by 19 years – and as an added bonus there […]
British Columbia was built, in part, on the timber trade. Logging, timber, and surrounding work is something you can find in the collections at DI over and over and over again, starting from 1846 all the way to 2016. In this blog post we’re going to take a look back to when big dreams for […]
Here at UBC it is Reading Week, which means of course most students book it to the library… kidding! Nearly every person on campus has escaped the ivory tower for greener pastures, but that doesn’t mean our faithful readers can’t take a look at our collections still. Did you know since they are digital accessible […]
Forget watching Star Wars, Avengers, and Lord of the Rings on your cellphone– if you are looking for a larger-than-life story delivered to you in a small container check out our newly digitized epic poem Orlando Furioso in Western Manuscripts. The full size of the book is only 11 by 5 cm. This preciously small package […]
Known as the Spring Festival the Chinese New Year is a holiday determined by the lunisolar Chinese calendar- meaning the date changes from year to year. Festivities start the day before the New Year (Feb 8th this year) and continue until the Lantern Festival – celebrated this year on February 27th. For Vancouver this holiday is […]