Here at DI we occasionally get special orders for digitization. Every once and a while the orders are for pretty exciting stuff.
Recently we got an order to digitize an illustrated poster from the 1970’s about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Canada currently stored in the vaults of Rare Books and Special Collections at UBC.

One interesting thing about this poster is that it has a UBC seal stamped on it. At one time many libraries UBC used seals to mark items that belonged to the library. A few libraries still do! It’s a very faint imprint in the bottom right hand corner of poster.

UBC seal!
The poster is even signed by the artist!

The creator “Bob Hope” is up on the right hand corner
The poster had some pretty cool illustrations including a few mounted police, a seal, and a running story framing the picture.

Interesting seal in the bottom right hand corner of the poster

RCMP crest
We also have two cool video of the scanning process as well. The first video shows the image going through the scanner- something we’ve featured here before. The second video is what we see on a screen as we scan things- sped up of course!