Planning a remodel? Want to refresh your decor? You just might catch the renovation bug after checking out these spaces!
Perhaps vintage log cabin is your style: nature-inspired and cozy.
How about a touch of Spanish flair? Milk glass lighting, plenty of greenery and a mix of stripes with more intricate tile patterns.
Go glam nerd — but not too glam — by pairing a bold accent color and chandelier with some fresh flowers and books. If it’s good enough for Queen Elizabeth’s visit, it’s good for us.
Logging camp has a farmhouse vibe that benefits from lots of white paint and using everyday utensils as storage.
Deep woods and rich leathers are the trademark of nautical smoking lounge style. Also, if you love chevron but hate that it’s out of style, here’s proof that chevron was a thing long before the 2010s. This whole look is #timeless.
If you prefer a more contemporary approach, lab chic has you covered: Open shelving shows some personality, and a table instead of a desk makes the space feel less cluttered. Metal bar stools enhance the modern discomfort vibes.

Laboratory, Fairview campus
Vacation is a graphic style that merges striking patterns in an energizing way that tells others, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead!”
Love all the barn wood wall coverings you see at cafes? How about industrial lighting with exposed bulbs? Early hipster coffeehouse combines both trends.
And, finally, with any design project, the devil is in the details. Here are a few takeaways that you can apply to any decor.
Leggy trough sinks with exposed plumbing and wall-mount faucets – they’re pretty and very practical for hand-washing your clothes. And that fold-out ironing board is just too practical!
Wall-mount phones are back! Okay maybe not, but this office offers some advice for your own home workspace, like it’s A-OK to display multiple calendars (who doesn’t love calendars?). Also storage can be sensible and decorative – just check out that mesh letter holder hung on the wall.
There’s a lot to take in here, but the faceted door really grabs your attention.
And in case you’ve been looking for the perfect place to add that family (or alma mater) crest, doorknobs make a delightful unexpected detail.