Our BC Historical books collection contains a copy of the City of Victoria By-laws from 1877. Some of these laws are very interesting and not pieces of legislation you would expect in todays world, such as a municipality regulating the sale and distribution of poisons. Below are some of the notable laws on the books at the time.
In 1877 seven miles per hours down the street was considered “furious” riding/driving.
Oddly firework use and firearm carrying were regulated under the same by-law.
This By-law makes me wonder if the local apothecary was selling strange elixirs to people of ill repute.
Pool tables were taxed at $10 a year!
Victoria also decided to tax mans best friend for $2.
Thistles must have been a true menace if they had their own entire by-law dedicated to them.
The city also wrote a law to assist paupers in 1884.
Thank you for reading!