In the spirit of the holiday season, enjoy these wintery images from Open Collections.
Check out these beautiful photographs of a snowy UBC campus, from the UBC Archives Photograph collection:
From the Chung Collection, this 1928 Canadian Pacific Railway Company menu advertises various winter sports in Banff:
Also, check out this ski holidays poster from 1941:
The Tremaine Arkley Croquet collection features retro Christmas cards:
These photos from the Uno Langmann Family Collection of British Columbia Photographs show Vancouver and North Vancouver covered in snow:

Suspension Bridge, First Capilano Canyon, Vancouver, B.C., Length 450 Feet, [between 1924 and 1949?].

Wardlaw, John. Winter sports, Grouse Mountain Park, North Vancouver, B.C., [between 1922 and 1941?].

Barrowclough, George Alfred. A Winter Sunset on English Bay, Vancouver, B.C., [between 1910 and 1920?].
Finally, we hope you’re a bit warmer than these two today: