5 responses to “Creston Review: New in BC Historical Newspapers”

  1. Anna Close

    I’m searching for a picture of the sign that hung above the Garden Bakery in Crest on, B.C.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

  2. April Bell

    Interesting to know when the paper started. I found through “Canadiana” my great great grandmother’s married name was listed…it turned out to be in the Creston REview. I found this peculiar as she lived in Stratford Ontario and died in 1901. Her name and address in Stratford Ontario was used, along with a picture (but I don’t believe that’s her, I have a photo, not real similar image), advertising for LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. And we think false advertising is more recent, but it isn’t…I am only speculating that they used a name of someone no longer living and put a photo in….everything old is new again (ie Facebook or online dating)?

  3. K. Kirby


    I’m looking for newspaper coverage of the 1992 murder of a Creston, B.C. woman byDuray Bentley Richards (the older brother of Jann rden). I find it odd that there is practically no objective newspaper coverage of this on the net. Can you help by providing links to articles? Thanks.

  4. Anne Sahr Ball

    Am looking for info on Herb Legg, former publisher of Creston Review, Creston, British Columbia…late1930’s and 1940s. Herb was the husband of Betty Wert Legg, cousin of my mother, Maxine Elliott Sahr.

    1. mmlam

      Hello Anne,

      Thanks for your comment and interest in our collections. Unfortunately we do not field specific research or reference questions. Please do visit the BC Historical Newspapers Digital Collection where you can conduct keyword searches as well as browse the Creston Review: https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/bcnewspapers

      Thank you again for taking the time to contact us and we wish you all the best with your search.

      Best regards,
      The Digitization Centre Team

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