The Uno Langmann Family Collection of British Columbia Photographs has over six thousand images that are currently available online. They represent various aspects of B.C.’s social and cultural history during the 19th and 20th centuries. With all of the scary news that goes on in the world, why not take a moment to browse images of the pets of yesteryear as a nice reprieve. Some of these images are photographs of working animals, some of them are pets, and others are animal paintings for postcards.
A calico cat and pug watch another animal leave their home.
[Dog and cat watching another animal run away]
A story in four words.
Here is a sled dog.
Here is a sled dog team from Nome, Alaska.
This is a painting of what appears to be two bull dogs linked to each other by their collars. The right one doesn’t seem too happy about the situation.
Painting of a girl in a dress and her pet dog.
Just some kittens in a barn.
A very friendly dog makes friends with a chick.
Puppy taking a nap. Caption accuses the dog of being a friend of the beef trust.
Drawing of a kitten and puppy in the grass from 1909.
This photo of a dog and puppy comes from this album, which has many other photographs of cats, dogs, puppies, and kittens!
Negatives 5396 Larch Photo Album
For more cats and dogs, please look around in the Uno Langmann Family Collection of British Columbia Photographs or in Open Collections. Thank you for reading!