A croquet match, in black & white and color, from the Tremaine Arkley Croquet Collection.
Following #ColorOurCollections last year was so much fun, we decided to bring some pages to our blog. We’ve selected from a few sources to show off just a bit of the variety in our digital collections, and we think we’ve found a little something for everyone, from landlocked to nautical and town to country—including persons, places, things, and animals!
Color Our Collections is February 6 -10. Follow along on Twitter #ColorOurCollections (and #colourourcollections), and check out some of our compatriots who are also adding pages to your digital collection coloring books: @umarchives, @westernulibsARC, @McGillLib.
For best colour-a-bility (that’s totally a word, right?) click the image and download the hi-res version of the file from our Open Collections. [To download, click the down-arrow icon at the top left of the image area. It’s in the row with the crop and keyboard icons.] These are large files, so don’t worry, you can totally obsess over details like fish scales and architectural features.

A drawing of the UBC library (now the foundation for the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre) by John Ridington
Follow the links, download the images, and get coloring! Then, share your finished results with us on Twitter using the hashtag #ColorOurCollections and by tagging @DigitizeUBC.