Room 103
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z1
Start off the new school year by getting all caught up on what the Digitization Centre has been up to over the past year. You can read all about it in the Digitization Centre Impact and Activity Report for 2017-2018! This report highlights key projects, partnerships, and content development trends for the 2017-2018 fiscal year This year, […]
We are pleased to present the Digitization Centre Impact and Activity Report for 2016-2017! This report highlights the Digitization Centre’s key projects, partnerships and user engagement trends for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. In 2016-2017, Open Collections accounted for 15% of the Library’s unique pageviews. That 15% totals 3.9 million pageviews on Open Collections alone! The […]